School and ECE Garden Programs: Free FSN Teleconferences


IMG_3802Note: These two teleconferences have overlapping content, so you may want to attend only the one that interests you most.  

FSN Teleconference: School Garden Programs

When: Tuesday, February 25 Time: 3:15 pm - 4:15 pm (NST) Cost: Free

Join us to learn about school gardening programs and their potential for educational enhancement and health promotion within schools and communities. This teleconference will describe what school gardening programs are, their benefits, and best practices for hosting them. Inspiring case studies from existing school gardening programs across the province will be shared. Educators, school administration, parents and the general public are welcome to attend!

Presenters: Sarah Ferber, Food Security Network NL (FSN) and Emily Doyle, PhD Candidate Memorial University Community Health

To register online visit FSN’s Teleconference Page.


FSN Teleconference: Early Childhood Garden Programs

When: Wednesday, February 26 Time: 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm (NST) Cost: Free

Join us to learn about early childhood gardening programs and their potential for educational enhancement and health promotion within early childhood centres and communities. This teleconference will describe what early childhood gardening programs are, their benefits, and best practices for hosting them. Inspiring case studies from existing gardening programs across the province will be shared. Educators, early childhood centre administration, parents and the general public are welcome to attend! Attendance of this teleconference can be counted towards AECENL professional development requirements.

Presenters: Sarah Ferber, Food Security Network NL (FSN) and Emily Doyle, PhD Candidate Memorial University Community Health

To register online below: