A mini-challenge to round off the week. The idea is to take the time to experience the food as fully as possible, with all of your senses, trying to appreciate it as much as possible. Here’s some of what people said about it online.
Here's what people had to say online. Click here to join in on Facebook.
“I just savoured a green apple using this technique. Crisp, bright and that great combination of sweet and tart. Very neat experience. Normally I gobble one at my desk and don't really think of it. The next step, to eat my meal in the same manner, putting my fork and knife down between bites. Simple, but how often do we do it?” —Michele
“Thanks for sharing all of this! We need to change the way we eat, not only (especially) in this province, but all across North America. Change is difficult but it has to start somewhere, and the way we think about it has to be the starting point. Keep sharing please.” — Greg
“I'm just gonna put one in my mouth and see how long it takes to chew it out of existence.” — Ricky
“Today's mindful eating challenge accepted by more FSN staff from the Happy Valley-Goose Bay airport after an inspirational week discussing food security in Nain.” — Gioia and Kristie
“I was chewing mostly air for for most of the minute I spent with this delicious morsel of butter disguised as popcorn.” — Morgan
Elling Lien, Communications Manager of the Food Security Network of Newfoundland and Labrador, takes one of the mini-challenges created for the Good Food Challenge.
For more information: “Today’s experiment in eating, however, involves becoming aware of that reflexive urge to plow through your meal like Cookie Monster on a shortbread bender. Resist it. Leave the fork on the table. Chew slowly. Stop talking. Tune in to the texture of the pasta, the flavor of the cheese, the bright color of the sauce in the bowl, the aroma of the rising steam.” http://www.nytimes.com/2012/02/08/dining/mindful-eating-as-food-for-thought.html