Mushrooms & Foray NL


Foray Newfoundland and Labrador is the group to check out if you are interested in identifying mushrooms in Newfoundland and Labrador. They host an annual weekend-long foray (mushroom identification and learning trip) in a different location each year, and people attend from across the province. Mark your calendar and get in touch with them for this year's foray:

When: Friday Sept. 28- Sunday Sept. 30

Where: Terra Nova National Park

For full details visit the 'Forays' section on their website.

Foray NL also has a newsletter called Omphalina. View the current and archived issues on their website for information on dozens of different species found across the province. The whole website is a treasure trove of content, so get comfortable and dig in.

Andrus Voitk, Past President of Foray NL, has written a guide A Little Illustrated Book of Common Mushrooms of Newfoundland and Labrador which you can use as a trail guide to identify mushrooms. It is available through public libraries or can be purchased directly from the Gros Morne Cooperating Association, with all proceeds going to support Gros Morne National Park.

Edible mushroom enthusiasts are pretty guarded about their harvesting spots but if you are fortunate to find someone willing to share their secrets, then certainly go for a hike with them and ask as many questions as possible; take photos and make notes as well to assist with future identification. The foray in September could be a great opportunity for new enthusiasts to get connected with information.

Root Cellars Rock is curious about edible wild mushrooms in NL. We want to learn more so that we can share info with everyone on the blog. We'd love to put up a blog post or photo slideshow about what's available locally and the details on harvesting. If you harvest edible wild mushrooms in NL and are willing to share some of your know-how, please get in touch! Email We promise we won't give away your foraging spots! :)