Good Things In The Ground


Hi everyone! Sorry for the rather long hiatus on Pioneering in Paradise, but it's been a crazy month. On the plus side, things have calmed down and I'm happy to report some real progress on some of my projects. Seed Potatoes Planted

I've built my first potato tower, and planted out 16 seed potatoes. The boards on the outside are 8 inches high, and as the plants start growing up, they will get buried up to the top set of leaves. Since high amounts of nitrogen can cause issues with potatoes, I used a mix of composted sheep manure and black earth as the growing medium, so we'll see how that goes. Since I still have some seed potatoes left, I'll be building a second box, so stay tuned!


Fall Garlic, Photo by Bill Radford

Meanwhile, at my super-secret alternate location, the fall-planted garlic is going gangbusters! It doesn't look like they've started producing scapes, but as soon as they do, I'll be harvesting some and posting the recipe for Pickled Scapes (which are great on a bit of sharp cheese). I'll also be letting a few grow all the way out, which produces a bulbil, or a sort of small bulb that you can grow garlic from.