Improving Food Security through Community Action in Nunatsiavut
The communities of Nunatsiavut face complex food security challenges that impact access to traditional, wild foods, as well as healthy store bought food.
The NiKigijavut Nunatsiavutinni: Our Food in Nunatsiavut Project supports creative, community-led programs designed to address local food security challenges and help improve access to healthy and culturally-appropriate food.
In April of 2016, Food First NL's Evaluation Manager completed a two week trip to Nunatsiavut alongside the talented Annie McEwen (Audio Producer). The two travelled to Project sites in the region, gathering sounds and images of the land, harvesting trips, food programs, and people.
From this initial gathering came 18 stories, from Nain, Hopedale, and Rigolet. We are excited to share this collection of stories and to showcase the strength of these communities, and the impact of this work.