Learn about food waste with Alison!


Alison Bennett is one of Food First NL’s Program Assistants, and she's in her position as an intern through Conservation Corps NL. Alison will be heading out to Central next week to lead hands-on food waste workshops, so if you’re in the neighbourhood then join in and say hi!

We were lucky to get Alison on board back in October, and she has already been an immense support to all of our projects. A go-getter with a passion for food sustainability, Alison focused on food insecurity for a senior project at Acadia University. That work, combined with the knowledge that came with her Bachelor of Science in Nutrition, not only led her to discover Food First NL, but laid the groundwork to be a valuable part of our team.

Check out the workshop info below. These workshops are rescheduled from January because of #snowmageddon, so fingers crossed that the weather is on Alison’s side this time!

  1. Food Waste Workshop February 10th 12 pm to 2 pm at Exploits Community Centre in Grand Falls-Windsor. Contact programfacilitator@exploitscc.ca to register.

  2. Food Waste Workshop February 12th 1 pm to 2 pm at Gambo Public Library. Contact jshort@nlpl.ca for more information.

  3. Alison will also be presenting to four classes of Gander Collegiate's Healthy Living students on February 11th about Food Insecurity in Newfoundland and Labrador.