Food Hub Coming to the Humber Valley

Food First NL to pilot a social enterprise “Food Hub” in the Humber Valley

St. John’s, NL - November 30th, 2020 - Food First NL is launching a pilot of a new multi-location “food hub” to connect customers with local food in the Humber Valley in Western Newfoundland. 

Based on a successful model from Cape Breton, the Online Food Hub model involves creating an online store that connects consumers to multiple local producers simultaneously, as well as a logistics operation that provides multiple order pickup points around the region. Those pickup points will be staffed by a team of youth facing barriers to employment, with wraparound support provided by staff from Choices for Youth. In Corner Brook, the Western Environment Centre is providing local support and logistics coordination, and the Cape Breton Food Hub is on board as an advisor. 

“In Cape Breton, we have seen just how effective this model can be in connecting producers and consumers across a large region and in strengthening collaborations between local businesses,” says Joshua Smee, CEO of Food First NL. “With COVID-19 still with us, creating these kinds of online points of sale is even more important.”

Funded by the Canadian Agricultural Partnership, the project has now kicked off with the hiring of a Project Coordinator, Annette George. An engineer and farmer by trade, based in Irishtown on the Humber Arm, with long experience in economic and business development, Annette is a familiar face to many in the region. 

“Collaboration for food security on a local level is vital in reducing barriers for both producers and consumers,” says Annette, “The Food Hub model focuses on community empowerment while providing infrastructure and technological solutions for local producers. This means more local food on our tables and improved economic opportunities for our communities.”  

 “Food First NL is a great example of how innovative the agriculture industry truly is, especially during these trying times. Connecting food to people is key to building awareness and trust with local producers and businesses, while improving their access to healthy fresh foods and supporting the economic growth of Humber Valley,” says Gudie Hutchings, Member of Parliament for Long Range Mountains.

“This pilot social enterprise is going to connect producers and consumers in a new way, by improving customer access to high-quality, local food, and giving local producers a new avenue for promoting and distributing their products,” says the Honourable Elvis Loveless, Minister of Fisheries, Forestry and Agriculture. “I’m pleased to offer Provincial Government support for the online food hub through the Canadian Agricultural Partnership. I look forward to seeing the positive results of this innovative idea.” 

Over the Winter and Spring, Food First NL will be getting the website ready, organizing logistics, and working to recruit local food producers and local businesses around the Humber Valley interested in serving as order pickup points. Food First NL anticipates a launch of sales in June 2021 with the pilot period running through to October followed by an evaluation period and, if successful, planning for continuation. 

For more information or to schedule interviews, please contact: 

Annette George
Program Coordinator, Food First NL