
Wild food stir-fry and baked cod

Wild food stir-fry and baked cod

This post is a bit delayed in arriving, with photos from late May. As a follow-up to Costa's A Taste of the Wild Side posts I brought a few unusual ingredients together for a meal. It's too late in the season now for harvesting young knotweed shoots and dandelion greens but hopefully you'll still be inspired to seek them out next year. The codfish I used was locally harvested and then frozen.

Rollin', rollin', rollin'

Rollin', rollin', rollin'

As a CFA, going to see the capelin roll has been on my 'to do' list since arriving in the province. That image of thousands of silver fish just under the surface of the water caught my imagination right from the beginning. This past Tuesday was the first time I've been able to make it out during that brief window of time that the capelin are flocking to the beaches.

Let Us Do More Lettuce

Let Us Do More Lettuce

We often buy lettuce as full heads, yet when growing lettuce we can harvest it a few different ways by removing the whole head, taking just the outer leaves, cutting the head down to an inch off the ground and watching it regrow another head, or growing lettuce as baby leaf micro-greens for harvest all summer long. Baby leaf harvests are ready in as little as 21 days. I sow succession plantings of lettuce about every three weeks outside in the gardens during warm months, inside in pots throughout the winter, and eat homegrown lettuce all year long.